Thursday, May 10, 2018

Lifetime ambitions

I always remember when at school, around the age of 11 or 12, we were set an assignment to come up with three lifetime ambitions. What ambitions can you have when you're of such a young age?! Let alone a lifetime one. My goals at that time were probably to get the early bus home from school, to have chips for dinner and to see Arsenal win the league.

I did come up with three lifetime ambitions…most of the class were going for easy answers, like being a millionaire, becoming a footballer or being a movie star. Even at a young age I wanted to be realistic and go for something I could achieve. I can't remember my three answers but I remember two of them. The first being to climb a mountain…not sure where I got the idea for this one, like with most things, it probably just popped into my head as a good idea. Around the age of 20, I achieved this ambition by walking up Donard Mountain, in Newcastle, County Down. If you were to see a picture of it, you would probably describe it as a big hill but it's got mountain in the title so to me it counts…my ambition, my rules! I went up with my brother Sean, who is 10 years younger than me. I remember it clearly, we went to church like the two good little boys that we were (and still are!!), then went for a fry up which was customary at the time…it was a clear sunny day in Ireland and we went for a walk and just kept walking. It was amazing experience and one which I would love to do again.

My second ambition was to run the London Marathon, not sure where the idea for this one came from either. The only sport I was interested in, was football and I was never particularly interested in running without one. I used to always watch the start of the London Marathon with my Grandad, so maybe I got the idea from him.

It has now been 20 plus years, since I first came up with these lifetime ambitions and I have yet to run the London Marathon. However, last week I entered the ballot to run it in 2019. The Ballot works like a kind of lottery, whereby 50,000 people are picked from 350,000 applicants. These are not exact figures, as the organisers do not reveal this information, nor how the ballot process works…I can't help but picture someone picking out the names from a tombola…it would explain why the results don't come out until October 2018.

There are other ways to get into the London Marathon. One way is the Good for Age entry, which would require me to run a marathon in 3hr 5mins for my age group by August 2018. Considering it takes me 25mins to run 3 miles, this is not going to happen!

The other option is to run for a charity. These often require an entry fee plus a pledge to raise a couple of thousand pounds for the charity….which I'm considering as Plan B.

If I don't get into the London Marathon, I will look to run a marathon elsewhere (my ambition, my rules!) in the UK or even Europe, there are plenty of options. Rome has a marathon...imagine running around the the full Russell Crowe Gladiator outfit.....I can hear the theme tune now!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Running Dry

I was challenged by my brother in January this year to run two half marathons by the end of the year. I like a challenge and as I'm looking to get fit, I hesitantly accepted!

The first of these two half marathons will be the Hackney Half on Sunday 20th May 2018. I didn't want this run to be just about me, so I will be running for the World Cancer Research Fund UK.

I've been training off and on since February, I've had good weeks and I've had bad weeks. During the bad weeks I was hampered by slight injuries and the weather....and too often gave into temptation by going to the pub instead...thinking I still had plenty of time until event day. Now with 19 days to go, I feel that I'm running out of time. I've been going to the gym regularly but I feel I'm not getting the mileage in. The mind is willing to push on but the body is screaming "Noooooooooo!". I have tried to push past the pain barrier but then I start limping so I slow down and then walk it off, before trying it again. It's very frustrating.

It's my left knee and hip that becomes painful after running for 25 minutes. I've looked in it and apparently I have a weak bottom (No giggling at the back!!Haha). So I have found a collection of exercises to remedy this, which work on the IT Band and are said to fix me in two weeks...the event is in less than 3 weeks.

In an effort to improve my fitness, I have decided to give up alcohol from 1st May until after the event. I will allow myself one cheat day within this time but only for my Dad's birthday (which was yesterday but I haven't met up with him yet).

I've never tried to give up alcohol before and with a sunny Bank Holiday weekend coming up, it's going to be a challenge in itself.


It ended up being the hottest Bank Holiday weekend since of course I never kept 'dry'! It's important to keep hydrated in the hot weather, so I went for drinks Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I've now regrouped and will now stay dry until event excuses this time!